デビルメイクライ 4 - ブルーオーブの欠片 Devil May Cry 4 - Blue Orb Fragment locations
NOTE: This section is about the location of the Blue Orb Fragments in the main game. More Blue Orb Fragments can also be obtain once you clear a Secret Mission, and there are 12 Secret Missions in the game. Some Blue Orb Fragments can be found by Dante late in the game when he returns to the same place.
Mission 02: 居住区 Residential District
Jump on the rooftop, explore the small space on the left.
Mission 03: 第2採掘場 Second Mining Area
From the point in the picture, jump to left and will spot some more Grim Grips lead you to upper area. The Blue Orb Fragment is found at the platform on the top.
Video below.
Mission 03: 第2採掘場 Second Mining Area
There's another platform opposite of current location in the picture. Dash, jump or do whatever is possible to fly over there. Destroy the planks and the orb is inside.
NOTE: It's easier when you play as Dante late in the game.
As readers request, here's a short video (below) shows you how to "fly" over there.
hey thanks for the blue orb locations, but i cant seem to get the second blue orb fragment in mission 3. Do you have a video of it by any chance ? Thanks
He seph, some of your info is a tad wrong, the combat adjudicator in mission 12 for example is in the gauntlet NOT the Grand Hall. Also you say that in misson 16 the combat adjudicator is in the underground lab when so far I have not found it. Just though i would let you know.
Yea I found the one in the Underground Lab (地下実験棟). It is to the left of the place where you start. I also speak Japanese, currently over here in Japan studying at Fukuoka University. Bring on FFXIII and let the translation begin ^-^
btw, for secret mission 7, I found it easier to trick the mephistos out by activating the steps and jumping back onto the original platform. So that i could eliminate them first and then take my time to cross the platforms..... my 2 cents worth...
Keep up the great job!
would especially love your take on the other SMs...
the best way to do secret mission 7 is to get pandora, have a full disaster gauge and then fly away to the blue orbs. I also did the same thing for secret mission 12
To start it off, thanks A lot man. I really appreciate it. I got all of the blue orbs, thanks to this guide. The only two I have trouble getting is Secret Mission 9 and the Combat Adjucator in the Underground Lab. I can't seem to find it for some reason. Care to give a picture, like a location on the map, if possible? Mr.Waulrus
Got it, thanks. Also for the mission you posted the speed run, I know a much easier tactic. Why not just fill up your pandora to the full with gunslinger on the max and just fly over there with Dante? Accessible on mission 12 as you're back tracking. Just wail on everybody using only Pandora and you'll have a full bar in no time, saving you the trouble. Now does anyone know how to do mission 9?
Well, impossible for that mission. Tried it. Doesn't do enough damage to the second group and ends way too quickly. Trust me, I've tried.
Pandora's Argument is great for a couple things.
First of all, It's great for Free Running, Steeplechase and getting to areas such as point of impact.(Double Jump, fly over.) It's also great for getting the second blue orb because you can just fly over without worrying about it if you've got a full bar. Orbs at Mission 10 and 17 can be also attained using it, but you need to know what you're doing. So while it's great for a lot of stuff, it's not that good. I'm suggesting it because it makes getting orbs a bit simpler. That's all. I thank you for provinding their locations.
Thanks for the vid, just got the last one. Now i've gots a full health bar. Thanks a lot man. Also, it makes it a bit easier to change the fire button to right trigger when you're doing this, but that's a preference really.
Remember how you went in an area to get the Key of Chronus with Nero? And then you were forced into a bunch of cages that took you up where you had to find a bunch of monsters and pass stupid puzzles? Well, that's the gauntlet. But you have to backtrack there with Dante.
Thanks for this guide it has really helped me out with the 2 or 3 trickier orbs to find... By the way, whoever said that using Pandora's Argument ability on Secret Mission 9 doesn't do enough damage is sorely wrong! You may have to try a couple of times, but if you have your disaster gauge nearly full and initiate Argument right as the 2nd group of enemies spawn, you can use the mass-missile effect (B button) twice and wipe out all three of the baddies. That's how I got it...a whole lot easier than trying to fight those three Chimera-infested Assaults! That is just in case that wasn't cleared up already. Thanks again seph!
Man thanks for the guide, but is it possible to see some videos on how to get the fragments on some of the missions? Especially on missions 17, 10 and 6.
heey man I can't seem to find one of the combat adjudicators I think.Because I have al of the blue fragments through the missions,and secret missions.But still miss one mission 12 ?? there is no combat adjudicator.I have the EUROPE version so dont no if that matters. but can you please help or send me the list of the correct locations. i'm going crcrcrazy !!
Thanks for providing the locations of the blu orb fragments. I was looking for my last one when I found out about this site, and now finally I am complete.
Hi all, thanks for posting. For secret missions, please check under "Secret Missions" page.
hells emperor, In Grand Hall (where you fight Angelos) go up the stairs to Key Chamber and you can proceed to Gauntlet where the Combat Adjudicator is.
Ok, I really do not understand how to get the orb fragment in mission 10. You say jump up, but it seems like I just can't make it even to the first ring? And perhaps I am doing it wrong but it seems there is nothing more you can do (I tried using Roulette Spin, but it doesn't seem to let me on). Are you supposed to do this with Dante, or is there something else I'm missing?
Jump, roulette spin, and airhike. Or leave it until mission 12 where you play as Dante (use Trickster), DT mode allows you to jump on it easily. Actual location here
(Same person as above) I managed to do it easily using Dante (early in mission 12) by double jumping, then using lucifer to get onto the first platform. Thanks for your guide, it's been so useful! I was seriously impressed by your 'flying' technique for the second of mission 3. I would never have thought to look there, let along string together those moves.
i need help . i cannot desrtoy any of the red combat adjucators in dmc4. it always get a response saying that i cannot desrtoy it by hand alone. but no matter what wepon i use, i get the same result. why is this? im sure its something so easy that im missing.
Ugh, I was one find-fragment short for such a long time, but then I realised it was an adjudicator! It was the one in the gauntlet in mission 12- that one is so off the beaten path/out of the way you would normally rush to go (since there's a time limit and the exit is just there). Thanks for that, I would have been lost without it :)
Hi.. I've completed DMD and gotten my Nothing left unsaid (all secret missions completed) and I've visually confirmed by looking at your pictures that I've gone to all these areas and gotten all these blue orbs but still I have 1 bar of life left with 3/4 fragments (so I'm missing 1 fragment in the game). Is it possible to clear a secret mission but accidently leave the blue orb inside of it? (I don't think I did this but I'm trying to find out why when I've gone back to every level and rechecked every blue orb spot I can't find this last missing fragment...)
I just went through Heaven&Hell checking EVERY spot again and crossreferencing your guide with another just to make sure and still nothing..I think my save is glitched or something :\
Theres no explaination on how to beat the Secret Mission 12 in Mission 17 before you fight Angelo Agnus, how do you get pass the lasers without taking damage when your dante, i am having a very hard time trying to figure that out, i am going through it a third time now on Son of Sparda. Please help if you can. Thanks
Hey, Just wanted to say your guide really helped, also a tip for number 9, Kill all but one in the first group floor him then use dreadnaught (Just keep blocking the knights before the staircase leading to the SM) easy.
@anonymous (right above me): If you're having that much trouble, leave the fragment till you reach that section with Dante. Its that much easier with the wing talisman boosters.
is this all there is? please dear god tell me theres one more you just havent found. i have just ONE more that i cant seem to find. i have all of these, all the adjudicators, all the secret missions, and im still missing ONE...*cries*
Thanks a lot for putting this up, unlike some other "guides", pictures here help immensely. I nabbed the second mining area and grand hall orbs in mission 3 thanks to the help here :)
hay i got a problem i cant fined the last orb i check your list and the one im sure im missing is in Ruined Valley but its noy there i did a massev search but i still cant fined the last orb i also did over every combat adjudicator but still nothing.... what should i do?
You can take another way to get blue orb on mission 6 - Foris Falls. Full your exceed gauge and use it in front for a fire attack. Then use your double jump and you should be able to get it. I try this once and work, though it difficult.
hey thanks for the blue orb locations, but i cant seem to get the second blue orb fragment in mission 3. Do you have a video of it by any chance ? Thanks
welcome, video is added :)
hi sephirosuy nice job.. but can u do a video for the 10 blue orb? thx =)
Assuming you're talking the one in Mission 09... it's added :) enjoy
He seph, some of your info is a tad wrong, the combat adjudicator in mission 12 for example is in the gauntlet NOT the Grand Hall. Also you say that in misson 16 the combat adjudicator is in the underground lab when so far I have not found it. Just though i would let you know.
Hey Enjirube, you're right thanks for the correction. and mission 16 I think the location is right which is 地下実験棟 in JP version
thanks man, this seems too hard for me though. I will probably do this with dante once i get pandora, if its possible :S
Yea I found the one in the Underground Lab (地下実験棟). It is to the left of the place where you start. I also speak Japanese, currently over here in Japan studying at Fukuoka University. Bring on FFXIII and let the translation begin ^-^
Awesome work dude :)
In mission 12 there is no room called the gauntlet =[
you can go through Grand Hall before the Gran Album Bridge
hihi, THANKS for your hints!!
btw, for secret mission 7, I found it easier to trick the mephistos out by activating the steps and jumping back onto the original platform. So that i could eliminate them first and then take my time to cross the platforms..... my 2 cents worth...
Keep up the great job!
would especially love your take on the other SMs...
the best way to do secret mission 7 is to get pandora, have a full disaster gauge and then fly away to the blue orbs. I also did the same thing for secret mission 12
Can you make a video for the 2nd orb?
Just a note, the Adjudicator in Mission 16 only needs an S ranking to break, not an SSS.
To start it off, thanks A lot man. I really appreciate it. I got all of the blue orbs, thanks to this guide. The only two I have trouble getting is Secret Mission 9 and the Combat Adjucator in the Underground Lab. I can't seem to find it for some reason. Care to give a picture, like a location on the map, if possible?
^ Mission 9 or 16? CA in Underground Laboratory is in the first room you start in. See this
Try navid's tactic, or you may have a look at this speed run skill.
Anonymous asking for 2nd orb, the video is added. Assuming you're talking the first orb of mission 3.
Thanks another anon. for the correction.
Got it, thanks. Also for the mission you posted the speed run, I know a much easier tactic. Why not just fill up your pandora to the full with gunslinger on the max and just fly over there with Dante? Accessible on mission 12 as you're back tracking. Just wail on everybody using only Pandora and you'll have a full bar in no time, saving you the trouble. Now does anyone know how to do mission 9?
^ lol you recommend gunslinger + pandora so much, why don't you try it for mission 09? It takes your time but safety.
Well, impossible for that mission. Tried it. Doesn't do enough damage to the second group and ends way too quickly. Trust me, I've tried.
Pandora's Argument is great for a couple things.
First of all, It's great for Free Running, Steeplechase and getting to areas such as point of impact.(Double Jump, fly over.) It's also great for getting the second blue orb because you can just fly over without worrying about it if you've got a full bar.
Orbs at Mission 10 and 17 can be also attained using it, but you need to know what you're doing. So while it's great for a lot of stuff, it's not that good. I'm suggesting it because it makes getting orbs a bit simpler. That's all. I thank you for provinding their locations.
^ welcome. Btw, for Pandora in mission 09, check this video out (video speed increased because need a smaller file size).
Just wondering, how much bar did you have?
Also, the earlier post was by me if you didn't know, lol. (Sasha Makarov)
Thanks for the vid, just got the last one. Now i've gots a full health bar. Thanks a lot man. Also, it makes it a bit easier to change the fire button to right trigger when you're doing this, but that's a preference really.
Hey where is this: Mission 12: 実験体保管室 The Gauntlet B rank
I cant find it anywhere.
Remember how you went in an area to get the Key of Chronus with Nero? And then you were forced into a bunch of cages that took you up where you had to find a bunch of monsters and pass stupid puzzles? Well, that's the gauntlet. But you have to backtrack there with Dante.
Thanks for this guide it has really helped me out with the 2 or 3 trickier orbs to find... By the way, whoever said that using Pandora's Argument ability on Secret Mission 9 doesn't do enough damage is sorely wrong! You may have to try a couple of times, but if you have your disaster gauge nearly full and initiate Argument right as the 2nd group of enemies spawn, you can use the mass-missile effect (B button) twice and wipe out all three of the baddies. That's how I got it...a whole lot easier than trying to fight those three Chimera-infested Assaults! That is just in case that wasn't cleared up already. Thanks again seph!
Man thanks for the guide, but is it possible to see some videos on how to get the fragments on some of the missions? Especially on missions 17, 10 and 6.
Thanks and great guide!
Thanks for the great guide used it for my game.
But I can't get to secret mission 11. Can you post a video or picture to help out?
Thanx for making this Awesome guide, it has been very helpful :)
heey man I can't seem to find one of the combat adjudicators I think.Because I have al of the blue fragments through the missions,and secret missions.But still miss one mission 12 ?? there is no combat adjudicator.I have the EUROPE version so dont no if that matters. but can you please help or send me the list of the correct locations. i'm going crcrcrazy !!
Thanks for providing the locations of the blu orb fragments. I was looking for my last one when I found out about this site, and now finally I am complete.
Hi all, thanks for posting. For secret missions, please check under "Secret Missions" page.
hells emperor,
In Grand Hall (where you fight Angelos) go up the stairs to Key Chamber and you can proceed to Gauntlet where the Combat Adjudicator is.
Ok, I really do not understand how to get the orb fragment in mission 10. You say jump up, but it seems like I just can't make it even to the first ring? And perhaps I am doing it wrong but it seems there is nothing more you can do (I tried using Roulette Spin, but it doesn't seem to let me on). Are you supposed to do this with Dante, or is there something else I'm missing?
Jump, roulette spin, and airhike. Or leave it until mission 12 where you play as Dante (use Trickster), DT mode allows you to jump on it easily. Actual location here
(Same person as above) I managed to do it easily using Dante (early in mission 12) by double jumping, then using lucifer to get onto the first platform. Thanks for your guide, it's been so useful! I was seriously impressed by your 'flying' technique for the second of mission 3. I would never have thought to look there, let along string together those moves.
i need help . i cannot desrtoy any of the red combat adjucators in dmc4. it always get a response saying that i cannot desrtoy it by hand alone. but no matter what wepon i use, i get the same result. why is this? im sure its something so easy that im missing.
^ use Dante!
Ugh, I was one find-fragment short for such a long time, but then I realised it was an adjudicator! It was the one in the gauntlet in mission 12- that one is so off the beaten path/out of the way you would normally rush to go (since there's a time limit and the exit is just there). Thanks for that, I would have been lost without it :)
erm hello, where is secret mission 11?
Try check the Secret Missions page. There's a video posted on that page showing you all the secret mission locations.
Hi.. I've completed DMD and gotten my Nothing left unsaid (all secret missions completed) and I've visually confirmed by looking at your pictures that I've gone to all these areas and gotten all these blue orbs but still I have 1 bar of life left with 3/4 fragments (so I'm missing 1 fragment in the game). Is it possible to clear a secret mission but accidently leave the blue orb inside of it? (I don't think I did this but I'm trying to find out why when I've gone back to every level and rechecked every blue orb spot I can't find this last missing fragment...)
I just went through Heaven&Hell checking EVERY spot again and crossreferencing your guide with another just to make sure and still nothing..I think my save is glitched or something :\
I've no idea whether it's a glitch of yoou save. Did you miss the combat adjudicator? especially the mission 12.
Total blue orb fragments = 12 mission, 12 secret mission, 8 combat adjudicator = 32.
Theres no explaination on how to beat the Secret Mission 12 in Mission 17 before you fight Angelo Agnus, how do you get pass the lasers without taking damage when your dante, i am having a very hard time trying to figure that out, i am going through it a third time now on Son of Sparda. Please help if you can. Thanks
awesome guide really helpful.
Hey, Just wanted to say your guide really helped, also a tip for number 9, Kill all but one in the first group floor him then use dreadnaught (Just keep blocking the knights before the staircase leading to the SM) easy.
I cant fucking finish the 2nd 1 on mission 3.. HOW DID U SLINGSHOT THAT FAR..-.-''
@anonymous (right above me):
If you're having that much trouble, leave the fragment till you reach that section with Dante. Its that much easier with the wing talisman boosters.
for the mission 8, I tried what you said..... but I cannot reach the orb with double jump-_-;;;; if you have any idea...plz...-3-;;;;
r u sure the combat adjudicator on mission 16 is in the underground lab cuz i'm having difficulty locating it, ne help would b greatly appreciated
is this all there is? please dear god tell me theres one more you just havent found. i have just ONE more that i cant seem to find. i have all of these, all the adjudicators, all the secret missions, and im still missing ONE...*cries*
What does ""Blue Orb Fragment from hitting Combat Adjudicator"" mean? Cause that must be the last pice I need
Thanks a lot for putting this up, unlike some other "guides", pictures here help immensely. I nabbed the second mining area and grand hall orbs in mission 3 thanks to the help here :)
hay i got a problem i cant fined the last orb i check your list and the one im sure im missing is in Ruined Valley but its noy there i did a massev search but i still cant fined the last orb i also did over every combat adjudicator but still nothing.... what should i do?
You can take another way to get blue orb on mission 6 - Foris Falls. Full your exceed gauge and use it in front for a fire attack. Then use your double jump and you should be able to get it. I try this once and work, though it difficult.
Very helpful, thanks a lot for putting this together
Found this video which is very useful to get the blue orb in mission 10 (Nero) before the elevator.
Have been trying for hours. I think DMC4 developers have made it too mundane and tedious. It's not so much of fun anymore.
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