Devil May Cry 4 refrain (iPhone/iPod)
デビルメイクライ4 リフレイン
*Last update Apr 24, 2011
- Game Information - Walkthrough - Nero - Walkthrough - Dante - Skills/Key Items - Nero - Skills/Key Items - Dante - Blue Orbs - Nero - Blue Orbs - Dante - GC Achievements (updated) - Bloody Palace (new) |
Here's a quick answer to most of the players asking "how to unlock Anima Mercury, Sephirotic Fruit... and other"
The unlockable Key Items condition:
Yamato - Beat the game with a Rank S
Anima Mercury - Beat the game 3 times with a Rank S
Wing Talisman - Beat the game with a Rank A
Sephirothic Fruit - Beat the game with a Rank B (Nero); with a Rank C (Dante)
Key of Cronus - Beat the game with a Rank B (Dante)
Rusalka Corpse - Beat the game with a Rank C (Nero)
100,000 Proud Souls to unlock all skills
Beat the game once to unlock Mission Skip mode
Do you know how to unloak DT?
There seems no DT in the game.
BTW, I use Dante to beat the game with a Rank C (which is a pain) and I get the Sephirothic Fruit,not the Rusalka Corspe like Nero. So I can't get Blue Orb like Nero, hope there's a Blue Orbs Guide for Dante soon. Thanks for the guide anyway.
Hi, the Blue Orbs guide for Dante is up. The last one for me was Mission 08, you seen it everytime you cross the room, but you can only get it with a 100000 Proud Souls skill.
So far I didn't see any DT mode yet, lets wait for the possible update from Capcom, since we are able to select "Devil Hunter" in the Story mode, there should be some other options not available yet... maybe?
And I wondering how to get achievements that require to fight "doppelganger"
Oh, thats easy. At the first level against Dante, hit the big seal on the big door of the room and go in. There you will fight the doppelganger.
Also, you need Yamato to break the seal
Hi Ian, thanks a lot for the info!
I can't break the seal of Laser door. I have all special item but they don't help me to unlock it.
Did you use Dante? Did you only hit the little machine on the side? You're sure you have KEy of Chronos?
Thanks. I still don't get all of stuff for Dante.
Is there any real need to get the sephirothic fruit for Dante other that te GC acheivement? I'm only missing the Yamato and sephirothic fruit for Dante... I have all the items for Nero but before I put a ton of effort into getting a C(again) do I really need the sephirothic fruit other than for the GC achievement?
Yupe it seems that Sephirothic Fruit is useless for Dante (even Nero too), so probably it just for GC achievement.
there are other modes beyond devil hunter right? so how we unlock them? also how do we use the gyro blades?
So far only Devil Hunter is available, maybe it will be updated with new mode in the future. For Gyro Blades, you need the Anima Mercury, obtain by beating the game 3 times with rank S.
Ok I just checked GC achievements and there used to be 19 now there's 21! One said cleared bloody palace with Nero... The other said cleared bloody palace with Dante... What is this bloody palace??? I checked and there's no update....
Hi, found this link:
Seems that a new update with the Bloody Palace is coming soon, lets wait and see.
Guys there's a Devil trigger now, so how do in enable it or how to use it and what does it do? Please help me
@ ANNONYMOUS: If you have Yamato equipped, do this: ← → Devil Bringer.
@ Anonymous: The Devil Trigger is unlocked by beating Bloody Palace.
who wanna see some pic. of dmc4 refrain(completed all requiretment)?pls add me in FB name Isad kh and i will share to u...thz(my english so poor sorry)
Hi I was wondering if anyone has a strategy in beating Dante's doppleganger? I beat him already, it's just not very effective.
devil trigger nero is unlocked by beating ur demon form of nero on stage 51 blood palace
devil trigger dante is the same way (i think)
please dont blame me if it doesnt work
if u already have air hike and devil trigger for dante then u can jump 3 times
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