Game Title: | The World Ends With You (すばらしきこのせかい) |
Platform: | Nintendo DS |
Genre: | Action RPG |
Developer: | Jupiter Corporation |
Publisher: | Square Enix |
Release Date: | JP: 7/27/2007 AU: 17/4/2008 EU: 18/4/2008 US: 22/4/2008 |
The World Ends With You unofficial game guides, walkthrough data base.
NOTE: All Pig Noise / Green Noise locations are included in the Walkthrough section.
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Can you try to get to day 4 of Beat's week as quick as possible? I'm stuck in the Underpass, where Kariya locks you in.
At the beginning? After you have examined all the !!! things there, scan and clear the bottom right and top left Yellow Noise.
Yes, will add the walkthrough asap
No, it's past that, it's the next puzzle that has me slumped. For some reason, one of the Noise's that were supposed to appear (from what I was told) isn't appearing.
Assuming you're return from Miyashita Park, scan and find the Yellow Noise in the middle and erase it.
I'm stuck in the final battle with Iron Maiden. I can get to the spot where neku only has one pin, but then what the heck am I supposed to do? It doesn't tell me what the pin does at all, or how I use it.
She's invisible. You can use the pin to attack, but only when you have located where she is by finding out the some yellow spark appears on Neku's screen. If you tap it right her real body will appear.
how do i beat the last boss of the game????
with Iron Maiden's invisible form, use your shadow to work out where she/the light is.
Beat Chapter walkthrough is now completed, hope that helps
I ended up buying too much swag and now I can't upgrade the cosmic corner shop. Any suggestions?
In Joshua Chapter - Day 2, the Reaper who asks Joshua to wear all Natural Puppy clothing gives as reward Extra Fine Noodle and 1000 Yen.
Hope that helped ;)
This guide has been really helpful, thanks a lot!
I was wondering, since you don't have the pin list yet, how you use some of those special Gatito pins? Such as Big Bang, Brainy Cat, Swift as the Wind, ect.
I haven't figured out to use them.
Don Pacchi, thanks for the tips :)
Pandakat, those pins won't work until you find another one with the same description with that, ex: you must use Big Bang together with Big Crunch (Ramen Don sells this). Ya the full Pin List really takes me a long time, hope to finish it in this month.
jono said...
just wondering if its possible to get a beter wallet that can hold up to more than 99,999 money.
Joshua Chapter - Day 4.
In Shibu-Q Heads shop you can find the Trendy Wallet which allows you to hold up to 999,999 Yen, require 8x Rare Metal. You can also fight the Easterraven on normal mode for Rare Metal which can be found in Center St. Entrance
Additionally, Fat Cat Wallet can be found in Shibu Dept. Store which hold up to 9,999,999 Yen by using Orichalcum x3, Dark Matter x1 to trade.
Seph, wanna point out that, for the fight against the Iron Maiden, we should kill all other Noises EXCEPT the taboo Noises (those black versions of Noises). Other Noises will simply increase her HP, while the taboo Noises will decrease it.
In other words, hit the taboo Noises to the bottom left of the screen to speed things up, while beat others to the top right till they die.
Ah, one more thing: For Iron Maiden's third form, it seems that Iron Maiden's harmed when Neku steps onto her shadow. She can't attack Neku, and it seems that the enemies on the top screen lessen (actually, I only glanced at the top screen; auto-play all through the game). Works better than running around aimlessly, I guess.
Hi Chi, thank you for the tips!!
I was eading Chi's tips for the Iron Maiden's third form. I'd also like to add a tip for people who have trouble finding the yellow sparkle. If you look carefully, Neku's shadow keps moving around in different directions. The shadow points away from where the sparkle is so it should make it easier to find. ^-^
Okay so I have the jp version of this game IAWW and I'm trying to get ultimate mode but it seems that there is a price difference between the US and JP versions of the game was just wondering if any one could point me to a site or source I could get the info I need to find the items I need to buy ultimate.
i have some question about the pin power, like pin #208 Big Crunch and #221 lefty cat. those pin say by itself, this pin exhibits no power. so does it has to per up with other pin or something els? if it does do you mind posting a list of them.
For those Gatito pins, I learned that these are the pins you need to use for them.
For using the psyche, Over The Top, which halves the time of pin rebooting and slightly increase of all pins, you need to wear:
Brainy Cat, Lefty Cat, and Righty Cat.
For using the psyche, Irregular Note, you need to wear: Stalwart As The Mount, Hushed as the Wood, Swift as the Wind, and Fierce as the Flame. These four pins float around Neku's screen. Whenever you touch one, a bullet travels from each to each pin 'til it has gone to each pin. It damages any enemies on contact while traveling to and from each pin.
For using the psyche, Nexus Ray, you need to wear Big Crunch and and Big Bang. By pressing the screen, Neku shoots a powerful beam at his enemies.
For using the psyche, Holy Field,you need to wear: One Jump from Eden, One Skip from Eden, One Hop from Eden, One Step from Eden, and Eden's Door. This psyche makes the light puck travel almost instantly between you and your partner, lasts longer, and powers up much more quickly. If Neku has the puck, he recovers extremely fast and gets an attack boost. This psyche does nothing for your partner.
The six darklit planet pins: Black Mars, Black Jupiter, Black Uranus, Black Venus, Black Saturn, and Black Mercury have seperate psyches that are usable by themselves. However, if you wear all six pins, their attack is incresed by about about 2.5x and they gain a chance to cause special effects such as Attack Break, HP Drain, etc.
Thank the power of Google for this list.
Cool... Pandakat you found even more than me :D Thanks alot for this infomation. For those who are still confusing on the Gatito pins, basically you just have to find the Gatito pin(s) with the same description in order to active its function. Example: the Big Bang and Big Crunch
Excuse me but how do you get the two extra pin slots for your deck?
The last two pin slots are purchased in stores (specifically 104 and Shibukyu Main) as quest stickers. I'm pretty sure they become available on Joshua days 3 and 4.
Is there an easier way to get "Dark Matter"?. I know u get them from bosses in hard/ultimate mode but it just won't drop...do u recommend i put it to a certain level to have a higher chance of it dropping?
Shadow Matter drops on Ultimate Difficulty from Taboo Noise. You can upgrade 10 Shadow Matter to 1 Dark Matter through one of the merchants of Shibu-Q Heads, Real Life solutions 1F. The drop rate on Shadow Matter is quite low, so set your level low and chain as many battles as you can.
you can try to "farm" dark matter from Beat Reaper, found in Shiki day 4, 104 building (as blue noise).
Set the difficulty to ultimate, and have high drop rate (I got 105) so I always get Dark Matter :)
After beat Beat, go to next area, and go back, and voila you can fight him again, again, and again... I found this is the easiest dark matter to get (instead of fighting Minamimoto-Taboo at Hard mode).
I still got 1 question. What is the max level for Joshua fusion? I can't find other Joshua fusion sticker, only at Shibu Dept. Store
^ You can find one more at Shibukyu Main Store :) Anyway, thanks for all the info and tips.
how can i get to "ultimate" level?
In Shibu-Q Heads you can get it
ok I need serious help. Am at the part where you're supposed to search for the tech. I go to the ramen shop, see him, blah blah, then the ramen guy tries to sell me some stuff. I dont want anything. But how do I exit?! I cant click on exit! I dunno please someone help!!!
hi. how i unlock the 2 last pin slots? i already finish the game but i cant unlock it
help! I really really need help!
I'm at Beat's chapter in the Miyashita Park Underpass and before I really understood the puzzle I erased all the noise in the area. Now no noise is apprearing at all! And I don't want to restart the whole game! Is there some sort of chapter reset?
Better beat the game first, after that you can replay any chapter you like, but why do you want the noise appear again?
In your noise list, you said that the grunge wolf can be found on Beat - Day 5 at Dogenzaka, but I cann't find it. There arn't many taboo noise there.
HELP! The pins wind, wood, flame, & mount (when used together) move around the screen. After using those pins, any others you change to appear in different spots on the screen and will not show up where they origionally belonged. Is there a way to fix this and was is intentional or is it a glitch?
i beat the game but not the other day and i want to get Scarletite
but i cant find any can you tell me where i could find one
you can default the pins location on the battle screen by pausing(START), then press (SELECT), or in pause u can drag your pins to wherever you want on the screen.
(srry double post, reading backwards...)
this is just a guess because im doing this by memory, but i think u talk to Beat again and when its wrong the noise are reset... again its just a guess.
For fusion level wise, each partner has 3 fusions, refer to seph's guide or wherever on the internet that will show the locations of each fusion sticker.
Do you know where I can find fierce as the flame, hushed as the wind, ect. without Ultimate? Currently, I don't have it.
joshua day 6 (Center St. Entrance)
for some reason i'm having a hard time erasing the pig near the entrance to AMX? lol, there's nothing wrong with the pins im wearing + threads :| help~
Nice little idea I'd like to suggest. In the Pins section where you list what Noise drops a certain pin, you could make the name of the noise or area into a hyperlink to the noise section or when the mouse scrolls over the name more information appears...
Hi, I'm having problems getting the secret reports for Shiki's story, cuz everytime I try to do the "kill whatever on Hard/Ultimate difficulty" I don't get the star for it when I kill it. I've tried many many times but each time I DON'T GET THE STAR. Also, whenever I try to change partners, like say Joshua or Beat, it says that they are my current partner but when I fight noise shiki still appears and not the partner that it says I am using right now. This only happens in Shiki's story, i can get the kill enemy on hard/ultimate perfectly fine with Joshua and Beat's stories. Is this some glitch that is only on my game or something??
Actually, the problem I'm having is that I can't get a star for beating a boss that is in the story line on hard/ultimate difficulty..I can get a star for beating blue noise boss though. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
When fighting the "Hardest Boss"
Equip a barrier set and hold neku
Focus on the top screne anduse shiki or /Joshua.DONT USE BEAT
Shiki stratagy:Use combos shortand easy and when iron madien look alike moves to top screne stay down and gaurd.ddont worry about being hit when finishing a combo as shiki has a invicible barrier when mr. mew come back to her after a combo but if you cant finish a combo in time gaurd or dodge.Use Splish spalsh barrier to heal
Joushua stratagy:
using the fly techneque stay on the oppisite lane as mr iron madien look alike a and attack be defensive at all time if you are on same lane so stay of th esame lane.
On either stratagy makesure minimemoto is nothitting youwhen not using a barrier blocking damage he deals major damage as their stats are as following
Panthera Cantus States:
You should be level 100 with all max states on neku and 50+ on partner states
only nutral rings effect him well
Ok, so I'm trying to get all the secret reports. In Shiki chapter 3, I can't for some reason get the last star, the one where you have to beat the Vespirello-something Bat noise on hard/ultimate. I've beat him maybe 20 times on hard and ultimate, and the drops of hard and ultimate are even listed in the Noise Reports, which proves that I beat that stupid bat on hard and ultimate. But I still can't get the star. Does anyone know why??? Or is this some crappy glitch that has only happened to me?!
Gah, sorry for the double post but I just figured it out. Yeah, uh wow took me a long time. OwO
You apparently can't get the stars for the secret reports if you chain the blue noise symbol together with other ones.
About not getting the Vespertillo on day 3 shiki. You have to go into A-East before you get the fuse and scan for blue noise. So u don't face the boss at the end of the day but at any pint in that day.
Can you please post a walk-through of Beat Day 4 Miyashita Park Underpass. Thanks!
Sorry! Did'nt see walk-through before. Thanks the walk-through really helped!!
Nice blog. I liked it.
hey i was just wondering is thier any way to get scarletti after you compleated the game once??
and even thogh i defeat pig noise ( partly for reports) i dont get orrichalum. .. thingy
any help?????
In response to annie, Scarletite is available as a quest item in Shibu-Q Heads 1F after completing the game. You need 5x Tektite, 2x Orichalcum, and 1x Dark Matter.
As for the pig noise, check the walkthroughs to see which ones will drop what pins.
Not sure if you know this one or not.. Didn't see it in the walkthroguh, so it can't hurt to say. :p
In part 4 of the Tigris Cantus battle, the moving shadows (Neku and Beat) always point away from where Tigris Cantus is is. For Neku, this makes finding the little yellow spark a lot easier.
As far as Beat goes, if his shadow points perfectly right or perfectly left, she is on the other side.
Hope I've helped~
Also, for Annie...
The Pig Noise never drop Orichalcum (except for one in Pork City, I think).
Orichalcum is dropped by some noise, and can be traded at Shibu-Q Heads (Floor 1?) for a few Adamantite (also dropped by some noise).
The "Drops List" in this walkthrough tells you which noise drop it. Also, you can use the "Noise List" to find out where to find those noise.
For example, Noise No. 4 (Brassbanfrog) drops Orichalcum on the Ultimate difficulty. You can find Noise No. 4 in "Another Day", at the 104 Building and at Udagawa.
where it says "Collect the report for Shiki, Day 5" i just dont get it its the only thing i need to be getting the reports and some how ive gotten a few of them but i dont know how to get them can you help???
How or where do I find more panthera cantus or how can i unlock the door on the 13th floor to get to the roof again. thanks
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