Game Title | Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates |
Platform | Nintendo DS |
Genre | Action RPG |
Developer | Square Enix |
Release Date | 8th Aug 2007 (JP) 11th March 2008 (US) 20th March 2008 (EU & AU) |
FFCC: RoF game guides data base, FAQ / walkthrough:
Can be interested to do a guide of how to make all the equipment and recommendations of equipment for every dungeon.
>_> Can you make a guide of the scrolls and tell ethier if they are a weapon, head armor, body armor, ect.
Please and thanks. :)
sorry I'm currently busy for another FAQ, maybe after this season if I'm free. Btw this link could help:
I can't seem to light the 3 candles with the yellow magic head in Hades, whyyy?
I can't get to hard mode in multiplayer mode. I have beaten all stages except the boss in the castle. The door in the castle is locked. Maybe i did not finish all stages?
I can't seem to light the 3 candles with the yellow magic head in Hades, whyyy?
Slide it fast!! and make all the candles are shown in the screen first.
I can't get to hard mode in multiplayer mode. I have beaten all stages except the boss in the castle. The door in the castle is locked. Maybe i did not finish all stages?
Once you beat Crystal Temple, you can enter Rebena castle and fight another boss upstairs. After that, enter the first stage and Hard mode should be unlocked.
where can i find the complete list of effects of material crafting?
hey seph, great guide, but I have a question, how come for the link you posted, some items don't have bonuses but when my friend gave them to me they all had some bonuses.
^ perhaps your friend got the equipment from the scroll/material shops and ordered with a gem? Hmm.. btw, that link wasn't compiled by me, maybe some parts still are still under construction?
you can put on the web, or give me the guide in Spanish?
my e-mail is jak_luna@hotmail.com
heh man does this guy know how to make the most shittiest guides. sephiroshit, as you are always known as, if you don't speak quality English you don't make quality guides. and i'm sorry to offend you but that stays in your head.
oh and er by the way, and don't worry about weather or not you think this DOUBLE POST is meaningless, that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fates DS guide you wrote there? just makes fer pure 100% bullshit.
I don't know who this truelugia121 is but I just want sephiro to know that his opinion doesn't represent everyone out here... I really like this guide a lot. I am just a random surfer who is looking for game answers and I found it very helpful. My friends like it too. I think truelu should probably keep his opinion to him/her self and if he doesn't like the site, just don't visit it. Other people like it and would hate for it to be shut down. So please don't listen to the negative comments! And if you have to respond to this truelu, what's so horrible about this guide anyway? Was it really that bad? I'd like you to make a better one then! Don't worry about responding, I prolly won't be back to check!
I've been collecting data for a while now on item creation and abilities that come from them. I don't have time to compile them, but if you'd like my data I'm happy to share.
p.s. you might want to add that in ??? if having trouble getting the last door's candle to light with yuke ability (I forget which color door - blue? the middle is red, I think, and top - yellow?) that it is just tricky - I spent forever running all over the level, and finally did it by just trying 20 times.
Bob said...
p.s. you might want to add that in ??? if having trouble getting the last door's candle to light with yuke ability (I forget which color door - blue? the middle is red, I think, and top - yellow?) that it is just tricky - I spent forever running all over the level, and finally did it by just trying 20 times.
I'm having the same problem Bob had with lighting the candles in area 5 of ???
This is what it says in your guide:
~Area 4, shoot the switch, move to middle and fill the panels with Magicites
accordingly to unlock the Yellow, Blue and Red doors. You must go through all
these doors to area 5 and light up the candle, be sure the last door
you take is Red (bottom).
I can't seem to get the last candle lit (the candle through the red door)
I got the same question from many people. Okay, this is what you have to do:
Tight to the candle from right (that's mean the candle is on your left, TIGHT IT) now face to the magic head in the middle and try again.
Bob, sorry I don't have free time at the moment, thanks for your offer anyway.
help, part 10
Anonymous said...
where can i find the complete list of effects of material crafting?
April 28, 2008 1:01 AM
The multi-player guide on Gamefaqs have pretty much all of the effects if not all.
Link - http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/925295/52304
Chris said...
hey seph, great guide, but I have a question, how come for the link you posted, some items don't have bonuses but when my friend gave them to me they all had some bonuses.
April 30, 2008 1:45 AM
Not too sure what you mean by that, but if you mean extra bonuses given from adding a gem into the item when crafting, then the item can have all sorts of bonuses. (Refer to the link above)
Hope I helped =)
Anonymous said...
help, part 10
May 23, 2008 6:57 PM
Specify which part. If it's fighting the last few bosses, then I suggest leveling your character(s) up on the last part you were at. Otherwise, try the boss FAQ that is found at gamefaqs.
In your guide, you mention an ability called magic tail. Either I'm just dumb, or maybe there's a typo or something, but I can't figure it out. How do I do magic tail?
have been away for awhile, first of all, thank blushades for your helps :)
it's actually Alhanarlem's ability on the touch screen (which you can draw your magic from a magicite), because I named it base on my Japanese version, I think it's other name in the US/EU version
Hi, i'm kinda stuck on the part in story mode where we need to use Alheniem's ability to light up lots of candles. I can't seem to get the last one lighted... any tips? Thanks =)
^ slide fast, stay at the right place and right timing as the block moves away from the magic light. But I think you had get rid of this when you read this message :)
im at part 10 (this part)
i cant do his thingy if i dont know how to do it... sorry could u help? i stopped playin it for awhile and forget things( i dont even know O and X on my DS :) )
~3F, throw out a Thunder Magicite, use Alhanarlem's Magic Tail to spread it
on both magic switches. Because you must hit them is the same time only will
unlock the gate.
wut ive tried to do is put everyone on thunder then switch to
Alhanarlem but they all follow Alhanarlem's thunder D:
okay bout the comment before. i got it. noww i need help wit this..
~Next area, clear all monsters for the key. Jump and hold A to slam the button,
the switches appear. Lets Gnash shoot both switches from the second pillar,
the candles appear. Throw out a Fire Magicite and use Alhanarlem's Magic Tail
to light them up.
its still part 10
^ so your problem is Alhanarlem part? As simple as this: throw out a Fire magicite, press R to control Alhanarlem on the bottom screen, draw a line cross the Fire magicite and lead the fire to the candles, that's it :)
Just to say that your guides are great, sephirosuy. I've used them for more than one game, and they tend to be fairly reliable on the whole. Maybe your english isn't perfect, but you still make the effort. TrueLugia should try making his own guide before shooting others' down.
Regarding activating multiple spell-triggered switches on timers, as it seems to be a major issue here, you can use a Yuke's magic thread ability, but I prefer to use ring lock. Provided you have the Ring Lock 2 ability on any party member, they can lock the spell rings on both switches. Then just press the L button twice to release both spells in quick succession. Works every time. If you have higher Ring Lock abilities, you can do things like the three-candle sets. On the other hand, the magic thread method only uses up one magicite, so both methods are equally good depending on the precise situation.
When i got into 3rd round i was surprised that rail jacket cost 1,000,000 Gil. GGed much :(
ahhh thankss a bunch. ur guide is awesome! do u know any other good games that r similar to this(FFCC ring of fire) on a DS?
Another amazing guide by the amazing Seph. But I still can't find a guide that even approaches the subject of "Item Crafting" and what effect the gems have. Any chance of this ever happening?
wat is the best wepons and armour for yuri and alhanalem?
Xiandra said...
Another amazing guide by the amazing Seph. But I still can't find a guide that even approaches the subject of "Item Crafting" and what effect the gems have. Any chance of this ever happening?
Found a guide in gamefaqs that lists out all the possible weapon abilities gotten from adding a gem. It lists the item drops from monsters too. Didn't find any links here leading towards this guide (sephirosuy's guide should have covered just about everything already), but since Xiandra mentioned about gem crafting, I thought I should share.
Link - http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/925295/53508
tyrell said...
wat is the best wepons and armour for yuri and alhanalem?
Mix and match using the guide I mentioned above and the link below. (This was mentioned by sephirosuy - 3rd comment)
Link - http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pyhJHJb45L_5-72KmB7hHGw&gid=0
I prefer to use "magic tail" if theres a Yuke in my party. Saves a magicite. If your looking to complete the game solo with only 1 character (multiplayer playing by yourself) then you can use the magic ring (level 2) and either wait for the auto activation before casting or click L right after you've casted the spell.
Yo sephirosuy I really love this game and your amazing guide, but I can never find anybody to play with in multiplayer. Please help :)
@the person above, this game does not allow playing via internet
I'm at the Part 8 -???/Hades, I've lite all but one candle, which is in the red door. The candle is at the end of the path where you have to jump several blocks to get there. There's a magic head beside the already lite candle in the blue door, but when I tried to link that magic head to the candle in the red door, it doesnt seems to work as if the magic head is too far from the candle. I tred Red, Orange, Yellow magic on the magic head, as well as casting fire directly on the candle, but nothing worked...
from his post above
Tight to the candle from right (that's mean the candle is on your left, TIGHT IT) now face to the magic head in the middle and try again.
I got the same problem before ^^^
Wheres the key holder thing in the 2nd poison room??
Thanks ZeronE~
Before you face the Wyvern in Mount Vaal (that happened to me on the 2nd playthrough), there's an "empty" area northwest of the moogle flowers. Actually, if you use Al's tribe power, you can see a strange item that cant be seen, but can be grabbed. Does someone know what it is?
@person above, Phoenix Down?? if your ally is KOd you can revive with this item
i can't find iron silk.
can someone give me step by step directions?
FYI: just received Old Sword material that was dropped from a moogle in the Underworld (Hard mode)....
Thanks for the very dedicated work on spreadsheets, etc.
i need some help, i cant find the scroll to make fauna armor, i have the wild thing helm scroll, and i made a fauna sallet, but is there any armor gose with it? i search every where but i cant find it.
Search http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pyhJHJb45L_5-72KmB7hHGw for any items/armor
By any chance would you be making a guide for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time?
Help,part 4 on the txt. I can't seem to find, or pull the rock behind the bulletin board!
Sorry, how i can get the Tuxedo?
2. i change my hair color in multiplayere mode, when i can change it one more time?
Bye and thanks
Has any1 ever noticed if you use Al's tribal ability at any boss theres 2 wierd looking items on the ground that you can only see wile in that view. Ive looked all over and havnt seen any1 mention them and i cant find a use for them... is there a use for them?
Oh, thay are called Phoneixdown, if some of your character is dead, burt still some alive, take controll of dead charaacter, go to that weird looking thing and press A, ta daa! alive without using raise magicite!
i can't seem to find the moogle in the save crystal in sinners' isle. i also finished sinners isle. but why can't i find the moogle?
mr. sephirosuy,i want to ask u.
why the 3 candles in area 2 (part 8 hades) cannot be lighten up ? (plizz help me)
ok so seriously i had SUCH a time doing that 3 dore for the ??? area , and heres how i did it:
after going in the red door across all the jums and whatnot go to the UPPER RIGHT CORNER near the candle. as close as you can get the the magic head without falling off and just flick the stylus down as fast as you can. it takes a few tries but i was able to do it.
hi im stuck at a oart in the crystal temple. i am at the second posionous room, i killed all of the evil people, got the key, but i cannot find the place where you put the key. I'm probably just really stupid and can't see whats in front of my face, but ive been looking for 2 hours and still cant find it.
i just wanted to thank you. i play my ds every night as a way to relax after work (soldier hooah) and i'd been stuck in ??? aka hell for 5 days. i could not for the life of me figure out how to light the candle behind the red door. i even searched all over the web and none of the walkthroughs seemed to realise that lighting that darn candle is a pain. i was about to shoot my stupid ds. i finally found this one and i got the candle on the first try after i read your tip. thank you tremendously!!!!!!!!!!!
Great walkthrough. Thanx a lot. I have one issue though, I'm stuck on Sinners isle, I must have gone back and forth at least 8 times looking for any thing I can use. Long story short, I have no thunder elements to create a thunder magicite to unlock the 3rd barrier.... this is my second playthrough (lvl 60+) and I really don't want to lose my game due to a glitch in the game. Any recommendations?? Thanx a lot
to anonymous above, isn't there a shop selling magicite? or the monsters should drop it
Nah, you cant buy any at the shop. I tried, but, good news, after rolling back and forth through the "isle" about 10 times, I finally realized that the bumblebees in the first arena drop thunder elements once in a while! Thank god, I thought I'd have to lose my 28 hours of gameplay.
But thanx anyways!
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